
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is Symbian?

itMyt Explains Symbian:

Symbian is an operating gadget for Smartphones. It is the successor of Symbian OS (running sySTEM) and Makes use of a person Interface thing based at the 5th Edition of S60.

Symbian versions are denoted by using the Caret (^) symbol; e.G. "Symbian^3" references Symbian’s 1/3 version.

What Does Symbian Mean?

Symbian’s predecessor, Symbian OS, turned into advanced with the aid of Symbiant Ltd, a partnership amongst PDA and telephone manufacturers Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola and Psion. Nokia expressed hobby in obtaining the complete organization and the purchase cHanged into completed on the quit of 2008.

Targeted for smartphones, Symbian is designed to thrive in low-electricity Battery-based totally Devices as well as ROM-based totally structures. Its Kernel, referred to as EKA2 (EPOC Kernel Architecture 2), capabilities preemptive Multithreading and complete Memory safety. This kernel already includes a Scheduler, a reminiscence management gadget and Device Drivers.

Applications for Symbian are usually written in C (using Qt) or Symbian C . However, Packages written in Python, Java ME, Flash Lite, Ruby and .NET also can run. These applications may additionally then be hooked up on the device using OTA (over-the-air), a Cell to PC inFormation cable connection, Bluetooth or a reminiscence card.

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