
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is Telematics?

itMyt Explains Telematics:

Telematics is a huge term that encompasses all tools and technologies which are Constructed by integrating Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

With telematics, telecommunications and ICT are used to create and manipulate holistic conversation structures through the capability to send, receive and technique statistics between faraway Devices, items or entities.

What Does Telematics Mean?

Telematics is related to vehicle GPS navigation sySTEMs that contain Wireless telecommunications with Computing devices in Monitoring and navigating cars. Typically, a telematics device consists of give up-user computing devices, Computer Networks and Backbone telecommunications infrastructure. It Makes use of computing technology to technique Records, Laptop Networks to get hold of and shipPing remote tool or Object inFormation and telecommunication infrastructure as the verbal excHange medium.

In addition to the car industry, telematics has a extensive kind of applications in different Domain Names, which includes fitness Informatics, distance learning and the Internet.

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