uebXML Initiative

Acronyms Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What does uebXML Initiative stand for?

What does the abbreviation uebXML Initiative mean?

itMyt Explains uebXML Initiative stands for what:

The Electronic Business XML INitiative (ebXML initiative) is an international initiative, which both the United Nations Center for Trade Fascilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) and the Organization For The Advancement Of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) launched and worked on collaboratively. This initiative acts as a Joint project among UN/CEFACT and OASIS, sharing the same universal scope and reason, fundamental results and the obligations handed over to the ebXML working team called the ebXML Working Group.

Electronic Business XML Initiative

The ebXML initiative is geared toward providing an open technical Platform through which XML may be carried out in a reliable and standardized manner to serve electronic enterprise Transactions in all Software Classes. These classes are software to utility, utility to individual and man or woman to utility transactions.

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