Apache Cassandra

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is Apache Cassandra?

itMyt Explains Apache Cassandra:

Apache Cassandra is an open-source NoSQL disbursed Database Control System. It cHanged into at first advanced at Facebook via Avinash Lakshman and Prashant Malik. Version 2.0.7 become released on April 14, 2014.

What Does Apache Cassandra Mean?

Apache Cassandra uses the NoSQL machine in place of the traditional Relational Database management machine (RDBMS) due to the fact the latter isn't always properly accepTable for dealing with big Volumes of Unstructured Data, which includes the ones produced by Websites or on line agencies. NoSQL has a less complicated layout and supports Horizontal Scaling, which lets in the addition of latest Servers for better perFormance.

Cassandra uses a Peer-to-Peer Architecture instead of the grasp/slave setup used in RDBMSs. There isn't any master server within the former like in Peer-To-Peer Record sharing. If a master server stalls or breaks down due to severa requests, the slave servers are rendered vain, while in a peer-to-peer setup, every Database cluster is same and might receive requests from any patron. As a result, Cassandra has no Single Point of Failure.

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