Aspect Ratio

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is an Aspect Ratio?

itMyt Explains Aspect Ratio:

An thing ratio is an Characteristic that describes the connection among the width and peak of an picture. Aspect ratio is expressed through the symbolic notation: X:Y. The values of X and Y aren't the actual width and peak of the image, but describe the Relationship between them.

What Does Aspect Ratio Mean?

Aspect ratio is usually used to decide the relative horizontal and vertical sizes of Laptop pictures. For Instance, if a laptop graphic has an issue ratio of 3:1, this indicates the width of the photo is three instances of the height of the photograph. Aspect ratio perForms an crucial position in resizing. During resizing, the Component ratio should remain identical so that it will keep the photograph undistorted. A distorted issue ratio results in stretching of the photograph.

Aspect ratio is also used to define display decision. HDTV shows typically have an element ratio of 16:9.

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