Code Review

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What is a Code Review?

itMyt Explains Code Review:

A Code overView is the Procedure of analyzing written code with the cause of Highlighting errors with the intention to analyze from them.

Code overview can be Static or dynamic. When code is analyzed for errors and Syntax mistakes, it is termed as a static code evaLuation. When code is done to evaluate the actual consequences with the expected consequences, it's far termed as a dynamic code evaluation.

What Does Code Review Mean?

The code may additionally have syntax mistakes, like an undefined Variable or wrong Keyword usage, and logical mistakes, wherein the right syntax is used but yields incorrect Output because of a flaw within the Algorithm. Syntax mistakes can be eliminated the use of a static code assessment, at the same time as logical errors may be removed handiest with a dynamic code overview, as the error within the code is not recognized to the Developer at compilation time.

Code evaluate are (have to) be completed frequently all through the code design phase. An audit meeting is heldto determine code reliability and, if possible, advocate higher alternatives to the existing code. Code is typically reviewed for protection, maintainability, reliability, upgradability, flexibility, integration capability, and other capabilities for the duration of the code review technique.

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