
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 29 day ago

What is a Highlight?

itMyt Explains Highlight:

Highlight refers back to the movement or Method of creating an Object stand proud of the relaxation of the items on the display display. The highlighted gadgets might be a selected Block of text, Menu alternatives or Command buttons. The gadgets are typically highlighted whilst they're selected by using a combination of Mouse clicks or Keyboard buttons. The highlighted objects seem more prominent than the rest of the objects.

What Does Highlight Mean?

Highlight refers to the indication that a selected bLock of textual content or item(s) have been selected with the mouse or keyboard. The items are decided on using the mouse via conserving down the left button after which dragging the mouse pointer over the viciNity to be selected. For deciding on using a keyboard, a aggregate of shift and arrow keys or positive different key combos like ctrl A also are used.

The highlighted gadgets are generally differentiated from the relaxation of the display screen items with a Variety of visible cues like being shown in blue, having dots around the selection, having bold lines round them or by means of inverting their shade.

While maximum of the time highlighting is removed after deselection of the object, permanent highlighting may be done in certain applications like Word and PDF Files to ensure Components of the content prominent and smooth to note.

Highlighting in most Instances is used to move, replica or reduce the chosen item. It additionally allows the object, if it's miles a Folder or report, to be opened, considered and manipulated.

Applications like Microsoft Word allow users to highlight selected components of text in special colorings as in keePing with their preference. This allows them to skim the documents the equal manner they might when skimming a difficult replica that has been highlighted with a highlighter marker.

Web Pages also can use highlighting to emphasize sure elements of the text with the assist of HTML and CSS.

If you do not agree with the definition or meaning of a certain term or acronym for "Highlight", we welcome your input and encourage you to send us your own definition or abbreviation meaning. We value the diversity of perspectives and understand that technology is constantly evolving. By allowing users to contribute their own interpretations, we aim to create a more inclusive and accurate representation of definitions and acronyms on our website.

Your contributions can help us improve the content and ensure that it reflects a wider range of meanings and interpretations to the "Highlight". We believe in the power of collaboration and community engagement, and we appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and insights.

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By working together, we can create a more comprehensive and informative resource that benefits everyone. Thank you for your participation and for helping us maintain the accuracy and relevance of our "Highlight" definition.

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