Database Trigger

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is Database Trigger?

itMyt Explains Database Trigger:

A Database cause is stored Code that is achieved right now after a predefined occasion. It is used to ensure the coordinated overall perFormance of associated movements. Although Implementation varies, all principal Relational Databases help triggers.

What Does Database Trigger Mean?

For example, a human resources (HR) application requires that every employee manager acquire an informational e mail imMediately after an employee’s leave request is submitted. When a File is written into a Table that shops employee leave requests, a created trigger fires and invokes the email-sending sySTEM to the supervisor.

Another commonplace cause use is to save essential original statistics, in its uncHanged State, to maintain an Audit Trail or Make certain that the unique statistics remains Accessible inside the Event of accidental Modifications. For Instance, the identical HR application may additionally contain a trigger that is performed whilst an employee’s bank information are modified. The trigger first saves the unique Records to any other table; this permits Data modification.

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