Fiber Channel

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is a Fiber Channel (FC)?

What does FC stand for?

itMyt Explains Fiber Channel:

A fiber channel (FC) is a pc Networking technology that is used to transfer inFormation among one or more Computers at very high speeds. It was first of all designed for Supercomputers however is now generally implemented in Storage Networking Server environments as a replacement to small Computer machine Interface (SCSI) and other serial garage technologies.

What Does Fiber Channel Mean?

FC is utilized in a server surroundings to transfer bulk Data among Interconnected garage servers or clusters at very excessive information transfer quotes (DTR). It can transfer facts in extra of one Gbps and reach speed up to four Gbps.

FC-primarily based data Switch is generally completed by using a FC port on a pc or server and a FC-particular switch, that is referred to as the material. The port and switch may be related using trendy Coaxial Cables or thru Fiber Optic cables.

The indicators transmitted from a FC port may be propagated to huge distances, reaching several kilometers in length with high-Velocity mediums.

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