Full-Text Search

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is a Full-Text Search?

itMyt Explains Full-Text Search:

A complete-text search is a complete seek Method that compares every word of the search request towards every phrase within the File or Database. Web Search Engines like Google and yahoo and Record enhancing Software Program Make large use of the full-text seek technique in Functions for looking a textual content Database stored at the Web or at the neighborhood drive of a Laptop; it lets the consumer Discover a phrase or phrase everywhere within the database or document.

What Does Full-Text Search Mean?

Full-text search is the most commonplace technique utilized in Web Engines like google and Web Pages. Each page is searched and listed, and if any suits are determined, they're displayed thru the Indexes. Parts of unique text are displayed against the person’s Query after which the total textual content. Full-text search reduces the problem of trying to find a phrase in huge quantities of Metadata, together with the World Wide Web and Business-scale databases. Full-text seek have become popular in late Nineteen Nineties, whilst the Internet started out to have become part of ordinary lifestyles.

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