Global Positioning System

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is the Global Positioning System (GPS)?

What does GPS stand for?

itMyt Explains Global Positioning System:

The Global Positioning SySTEM (GPS) is a navigation gadget designed with the aid of the U.S. Department of Defense that Makes use of satellites orbiting the earth and cHanged into typically utilized in essential military Packages. It changed into developed in 1973 as a way to overcome antique navigation structures. It have become fully operational in 1994, at which era it changed into also made to be had to civilians.

What Does Global Positioning System Mean?

There are 24 practical sun-powered satellites orbiting the planet two times in an afternoon, 21 of which can be always active. Three other satellites act as spares. Each satellite incorporates an Atomic cLock, a pc and a radio, which is used to broadCast the present day time and its Constantly converting place. Every satellite tv for pc is operationally synchronized to send Data at the same time. They additionally make corrections as soon as an afternoon through checking their Personal feel of region and time towards that of a floor station’s. When the statistics is broadcasted, GPS Receivers get the Records and use it to estimate their own region by using triangulating the distance the use of at least 3 satellites. A GPS Device determines the distance from every satellite tv for pc and uses this inFormation to pinpoint a particular place. This is also known as trilateration.

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