Hash Code

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is Hash Code?

itMyt Explains Hash Code:

Hash Code in .NET Framework is a numeric price which facilitates in idEntity of an item during equality checking out and can also Function an Index for the item. The value contained in the hash code isn't everlasting in nature. The cause of hash code is to help in efficient lookup and Insertion in Records Collections which are primarily based on a hash desk.

What Does Hash Code Mean?

Two items are taken into consideration equal in the Event that they return same hash codes. However, matching resultant hash codes do no longer necessarily mean item equality, or in different words, the opposite does now not hold actual. Because of this cause, hash code need to in no way be used out of doors the limits of the utility Domain, because the identical item should have one-of-a-kind values outdoor the domain, Procedures or structures.

As the cost in hash code is temporary in nature, it need to in no way be used as a key for records retrieval from a keyed inFormation collection and must never be serialized or stored in Databases. The GetHashCode approach is utilized in .NET Framework to get the hash code. It is applicable for Hashing Algorithms or for facts sySTEMs along with hash Tables. The cost again with the aid of the feature could vary between distinct .NET framework versions. As such, the framework does not approve the default Implementation of the Method, and so must no longer be used for finding the precise item Identifier inside the case of hashing purposes.

Hash code can aid in statistics assessment duties. It also can assist in a single-manner Encryption, as the generated numeric price cannot be traced returned to the authentic message information.

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