.NET Framework

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is the .NET Framework (.NET)?

What does .NET stand for?

itMyt Explains .NET Framework:

The .NET Framework is a Software improvement framework from Microsoft. It offers a conTrolled Programming surroundings where software can be advanced, installed and done on Windows-based totally running structures.

The important layout features are:

  • Interoperability: This lets in for .NET-developed applications to Access Functionalities in programs evolved outdoor .NET.
  • Common Runtime Engine: Also known as the not unusual language runtime, this allows applications developed in .NET to exhibit not unusual behaviors in reminiscence utilization, Exception coPing with and protection.
  • Language Independence: Common Language Infrastructure specifications (CLI) permit for the trade of inFormation types among two programs evolved in different languages.
  • Base Class Library: A library of Code for maximum common functions–utilized by Programmers to avoid repetitive rewriting of code.
  • Ease of Deployment: There are equipment to Make sure the benefit of installing Packages with out interfering with previously set up applications.
  • Security: Programs evolved in .NET are based totally on a not unusual safety version.

What Does .NET Framework Mean?

.NET is critical to Microsoft’s over-arching improvement approach and is the organization’s opposition to Java. It is so vital to development on Windows structures, the term’s utilization depends on Context. For example, it’s common to genuinely communicate usually approximately a ".NET Developer" as a programmer who works in a Microsoft Development surroundings. On the alternative hand, when writing code, the developer references what specific version of the Framework is being worked with — .NET 2.Zero, which came out in 2005, is a whole lot one-of-a-kind than .NET four.Zero, which became shipped in 2010.

Even even though the term is written as “.NET”, it is not an Acronym. It is pronounced as “dot net” and is now and again written as dotnet or dot-Internet.

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