Acronyms Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What does RBL stand for?

What does the abbreviation RBL mean?

itMyt Explains RBL stands for what:

Real-time blackhole listing (RBL) is a dynamic listing of IP address owners which are energetic Spammers or junk mail assets. The RBL may also encompass Internet Carrier vendors (ISP) with Clients that are recognised spammers or ISP Servers which might be hiJacked for Spamming Functions.

RBL is also called a DNS Black List (DNSBL).

Real-Time Blackhole List

The majority of unsolicited mail is the result of on line Classified ads and unsolicited bulk e mail (UBE). When junk mail is introduced, the Forwarding IP address is delivered to the RBL.

The RBL prEvents Device aBuse with the aid of halting unsolicited mail. However, the Blacklisting sySTEM should be treated cautiously. It cannot limit appropriate or authentic supply connections or open-supply Networking. If an ISP Subscribes to the RBL, the ISP may additionally determine which IP addresses need to be Blocked and brought to the RBL. If an IP deal with matches an IP cope with Indexed at the RBL, the Relationship is robotically dropped.

The RBL was first carried out by using the Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS), which become received by way of Trend Micro in 2005. Trend Micro adheres to strict guidelines and regulations in its continuous effort to nominate and take away unsolicited mail IP addresses from its blackhole Records listings.

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By working together, we can create a more comprehensive and informative resource that benefits everyone. Thank you for your participation and for helping us maintain the accuracy and relevance of our "RBL" definition.

  • Spamhaus
  • Spam protection based on DNS Blackhole Lists
  • Best DNS Blackhole lists
  • Domain Name System-based Blackhole list
  • RBL server list
  • DNSBL servers list
  • Internet black hole list
  • Real time blackhole list ip addresses

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