International Organization for Standardization

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)?

What does ISO stand for?

itMyt Explains International Organization for Standardization:

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a international enterprise that helps to offer diverse requirements for Business, industrial and Public use. Some of those relate to manufacturing and other physical industries, whilst others apply to Digital technologies and other factors of Modern-day IT. The ISO has helped to Form the face of contemporary generation and communications.

What Does International Organization for Standardization Mean?

The ISO has been in operation when you consider that 1926, with a several yr hiatus throughout World War II. The reliable languages of this organization are English, French and Russian. The majority of the arena’s nations are ISO participants in a few potential, despite the fact that a few African countries are not categorised as contributors of the ISO. The ISO prepares publications and different documentation on standards for an worldwide target market.

One primary contribution of the ISO in IT relates to the statistics Packets that Characteristic as the Method of transmission for Records transmitted over the Web. The ISO additionally played a primary role inside the standardization of communications Protocols consisting of Voice over IP (VoIP). The ISO has prepare complete requirements for records packets that promote Consistency in global messaging over the Internet. Other Networks also use these standards.

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