
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is Consistency?

itMyt Explains Consistency:

Consistency, inside the Context of Databases, States that statistics cannot be written that might violate the Database’s own regulations for valid Records. If a sure Transaction happens that attempts to introduce inconsistent records, the complete transaction is rolled again and an error again to the person.

What Does Consistency Mean?

A simple rule of consistency may additionally country that the ‘Gender’ column of a database may handiest have the values ‘Male’ , ‘Female’ or ‘Unknown’. If a user attempts to go into some thing else, say ‘Hermaphrodite’ then a database consistency rule kicks in and disallows the Access of this kind of value.

Consistency guidelines can get pretty problematic, as an Instance a bank account number have to comply with a particular sample- it should begin with a ‘C’ for bank account or ‘S’ for financial savings account, then observed by means of 14 digits which can be picked from the date and time, in the layout YYYYMMDDHHMISS.

Database consistency does now not most effective occur at the single-report degree. In our bank instance above, another consistency rule can also nation that the ‘Customer Name’ Field can't be empty when develoPing a consumer.

Consistency rules are vitally essential whilst creating databases, as they're the embodiment of the enterprise policies for which the database is being created. They additionally serve some other crucial feature: they Make the application Developers’ paintings less complicated- additionally it is a whole lot simpler to outline consistency regulations at the database degree instead of defining them inside the utility that connects to the database.

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