
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 9 month ago

What is a Field?

itMyt Explains Field:

A discipline, in C#, is a member of a Class or an Object of any kind that represents a reminiscence place for storing a fee.

Fields are used to shop statistics that should be available to more than one Methods of a class and to be had all through the lifetime of an item. Fields permit a class or struct to encapsulate the inFormation with options to specify its Accessibility at more than one levels.

In fashionable, a area is used for outlining a Variable in a category with Accessibility as Private or blanketed. A area that wishes to be uncovered everywhere outside of the elegance may be encapsulated as a Public approach, property or Indexer.

A discipline is also called a category-degree variable or member variable.

What Does Field Mean?

A discipline has to be declared in a type (class or struct) with its information type and an Identifier that names the member. It can also be specified with Attributes and modifiers inclusive of new, get entry to modifier (public, private, included, inner), Static, examine-only and unsTable in the course of its Statement. It will also be assigned an iNitial cost.

A area can be of static or Instance type. A static area isn't always associated with any instance of a type and is shared among all times of the sort. An instance subject is associated with an instance of a type such that every instance of a kind has its own set of all the Instance Fields of a class.

For instance, the non-public information of an Employee class like call, designation, etc. Can be stored as example fields to shop the values of each Employee object.

A study-simplest area can be assigned handiest at some point of statement or in an example or static Constructor of that class.

A area differs from a nearby variable in that the previous may be accessed by way of a couple of technique and may be used out of doors the scope of a single method, while the latter is used within the technique itself.

A subject can be blanketed by a belongings that lets in studying and writing (after validation) a field. Property additionally allows for converting the Internal Implementation of information represented as a area with out breaking the existing Code.

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