Media Server

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is a Media Server?

itMyt Explains Media Server:

A Media Server is a dedicated Hardware or Software Program (bodily server or Application Program) this is accounTable for supplying Multimedia on demand. They are normally used along side home theater structures for clean get admission to to a wide kind of media, and are on occasion used in expert capacities, consisting of live shows or live theater.

What Does Media Server Mean?

A media server is a Device that stores and shares media. It is answerable for hardware in addition to Software program elements of a success storing and retrieval as well as sharing of media documents and inFormation. A media server can be any device having Network get right of entry to and good enough Bandwidth for sharing and saving of media. A server, PC, network-connected Storage (NAS) or another device with such storage capability can be used as a media server. Commercial media servers act as aggregators of Data: video, audio, pictures and books, and other kinds of media can all be Accessed thru a commUnity.

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