Definition & Meaning

Last updated 6 month ago

What is MySQL?

itMyt Explains MySQL:

MySQL is a complete-featured Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that competes with the likes of Oracle DB and Microsoft’s SQL Server. MySQL is backed via the Swedish corporation MySQL AB, which is owned by Oracle Corp. However, the MySQL Source Code is Freely available as it became at the beginning advanced as Freeware. MySQL is written in C and C and is well matched with all principal working sySTEMs.

What Does MySQL Mean?

MySQL turned into a free-Software Database Engine at the start evolved and primary released in 1995. MySQL is named after My, the daughter Michael Widenius, of one of the product’s originators. It become at first produced below the GNU General Public License, in which source Code is made freely to be had.

MySQL may be very famous for Web-Web Hosting programs due to its plethora of Web-optimized Functions like HTML facts sorts, and because it’s to be had for free. It is a part of the Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) architecture, a mixture of structures that is often used to deliver and support superior Web applications. MySQL runs the lower back-give up Databases of some well-known web sites, inclusive of Wikipedia, Google and Facebook- a testomony to its balance and roBustness no matter its decentralized, unfastened-for-all philosophy.

MySQL become iNitially owned by using Sun Microsystems; while the organisation turned into bought via Oracle Corp. In 2010, MySQL cHanged into part of the Package. Although MySQL is technically taken into consideration a competitor of Oracle DB, Oracle DB is in particular utilized by massive firms, while MySQL is utilized by smaller, more Web-orientated Databases. In addition, MySQL differs from Oracle’s product due to the fact it’s in the Public Domain.

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