Rapid Application Development

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is Rapid Application Development (RAD)?

What does RAD stand for?

itMyt Explains Rapid Application Development:

Rapid Software improvement (RAD) is a set of software improvement Methodology strategies used to expedite Software Program application development.

RAD uses predefined Prototyping techniques and gear to produce software applications. It contains a graphical person Interface (GUI) improvement surroundings, allowing stop customers to easily Drag And Drop required software program software Components.

Software RAD strategies hire Computer-aided software program Engineering (CASE).

What Does Rapid Application Development Mean?

RAD is a popular software program development technique employing various gear and strategies to quickly produce minimally-Coded software program programs. RAD’s essence is prototyPing – developing predefined components, structures and techniques to quickly expand software program Models.

RAD’s working software Prototypes lack full-scale capability. They are used on the whole for demonstration and requirement collecting, which helps cease users envision whole answer Stacks. RAD incorporates built-in and customizeable facts, strategies and organizational models. Thus, it employs a model-driven and item-orientated method to developing whole answers.

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