Semantic Web

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is Semantic Web?

itMyt Explains Semantic Web:

The Semantic Web is a mesh of inFormation which might be related in one of these way that they could without difficulty be processed by way of machines rather than human Operators. It can be conceived as an prolonged Model of the existing World Wide Web, and it represents an powerful Method of Records representation within the shape of a globally Linked Database. By supPorting the inclusion of semantic content in Web Pages, the Semantic Web targets the conversion of the Currently available Web of unstructured documents to a Web of Data/records.

The term Semantic Web was coined with the aid of Tim Berners-Lee.

What Does Semantic Web Mean?

The Semantic Web is driven via the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It Builds on W3C’s Resource Description Framework (RDF), and is commonly designed with Syntaxes that use Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to symbolize facts. These syntaxes are called RDF syntaxes. The inclusion of information to RDF documents enables Laptop applications or Web Spiders to look, find out, collect, assess and sySTEM the information at the Web.

The key goal of the Semantic Web is to trigger the evolution of the existing Web to permit customers to search, find out, percentage and be part of records with less attempt. Humans can use the Web to execute a couple of tasks, together with reserving Online tickets, searching for one of a kind records, the use of on-line dictionaries, and many others. Even so, machines aren't capable of carry out any of these responsibilities with out human intervention due to the fact Web pages are made to be read via human beings, no longer machines. The Semantic Web can be taken into consideration a vision for the future in which statistics will be speedy interpreted by machines, allowing them to perform severa tedious tasks associated with Discovering, mixing, and taking movement at the facts to be had on the Web.

The Semantic Web is a Procedure that allows machines to quickly apprehend and react to complex human requests challenge to their meaning. This type of understanding mandates that the precise records resources are semantically structured, that's a hard mission.

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