Smart Terminal

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is a Smart Terminal?

itMyt Explains Smart Terminal:

A clever Terminal can imply various matters inside the world of Laptop technological know-how. In the times of early non-Public Computers, people used the term “smart terminal” to explain auxiliary Components that would work with a Mainframe Device. Since then, smart terminals have done many stuff, consisting of supPorting a thin customer Functionality that works with an external Server setup.

What Does Smart Terminal Mean?

These days, what most people mean when they talk about clever terminals is a terminal that has a few sort of auxiliary functionality. For Instance, if a enterprise made a terminal to suit over a programmable logic Controller or other manage aircraft Hardware piece, and that thing helped with communications or Configuration or calibration or anything else, it may be considered a smart terminal. Other clever terminals help hardware setups to sySTEM payments in retail conditions. The word “smart terminal” simply just approach that there is functionality added to an auxiliary hardware piece in a few manner, Form or shape.

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