
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is a Subdomain?

itMyt Explains Subdomain:

A subDomain is a domain this is a part of a larger area under the Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy. It is used as an clean manner to create a more memorable Web deal with for particular or particular content material with a Internet site. For Instance, it is able to Make it less complicated for users to keep in mind and navigate to the image gallery of a domain by means of putting it in the deal with gallery.Mysite.Com, in place of mysite.Com/Media/gallery. In this situation, the subdomain is gallery.Mysite, while the main area is mysite.Com.

A subdomain is also known as a baby domain.

What Does Subdomain Mean?

A subdomain is largely a child area underneath a bigger determine area name. In the bigger scheme of the Domain Name SySTEM, it's far taken into consideration a 3rd-stage area used to prepare Web Page content. In the Web address instance above (gallery.Mysite.Com), the suffix ".Com" is the primary-degree domain, "mysite" is the Second-Level Domain and "gallery" is the Third-Level Domain.

Uses of subdomains consist of:

  • Organizing internet site content material in step with category, i.E., gallery.Mysite.Com, faq.Mysite.Com and shop.Mysite.Com
  • Sharing the allocated area space with other users through supplying them subdomains and their own Username and Password with various levels of Characteristic get admission to. For instance, admin.Mysite.Com, user1.Mysite.Com and guest.Mysite.Com
  • Shortening long links and making them easy to do not forget. For instance, the Hyperlink "http://mysite.Com/offers/bonus/referal_id^56$#9?.Asp" may be placed into the subdomain "referral.Mysite.Com" to make it simpler to navigate and don't forget.

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