
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is Twitter?

itMyt Explains Twitter:

Twitter is a Social Networking and microbLogging Online Carrier that lets in customers to send and receive text-based messages or posts of as much as 140 Characters called "Tweets."

After the net sign-up sySTEM, users can put up their tweets by the use of a Laptop or other Twitter-well suited tool which includes a Smartphone, and might View tweets published through different "followed" customers.

Twitter is likewise referred to as the SMS of the Internet because of its unequalled reputation and its similarity to the SMS Text Messaging gadget used on Mobile Phones. Twitter has been used to inForm humans approximately various TV occasions together with the Oscars, MTV Video Music Awards, and so on. Because of this, Twitter is every so often referred to as the Digital watercooler or social television.

What Does Twitter Mean?

Twitter became designed through Jack Dorsey in March 2006. The full Model of this provider cHanged into Publicly brought in July of the equal yr. Twitter become developed as a result of a day-lengthy brainstorming Session carried out by way of board members of the Podcasting company Odeo. Dorsey got here up with an idea of using an SMS provider to percentage facts inside a small institution. The preliminary project Code call for this provider changed into twttr. The first Twitter Prototype became used as an Internal message provider by means of Odeo employees.

As of 2011, Twitter has two hundred million users who generate 350 million tweets a day. Twitter is reputed to handle more than 1.6 billion search queries in keePing with day.

The Web Interface for Twitter is implemented by way of the Ruby On Rails Framework. Previously, the messages had been dealt with by means of a Ruby-continual Queue Server known as Starling, which has now been replaced with Software written in Scala. Other applications and Web offerings may be included with Twitter the usage of its Software Programming interface (API).

Twitter additionally permits customers to view other Media content material with the aid of really clicking tweets that consist of links to videos and photos from numerous Websites. On June 1, 2011, Twitter introduced a integrated photograph-sharing service that allows customers to add an picture and attach it to a tweet directly from Twitter.Com.

Twitter has been used as a Platform for a wide type of Functions in lots of Eventualities with the aid of special industries. It is used because the approach for direct communication among social groups and organizations, mainly with the usage of Hashtags, which enable a tweet to be regarded by way of all customers who comply with a given topic that begins with the hash (#) image.

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