Apple IIe

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is the Apple IIe?

itMyt Explains Apple IIe:

The Apple IIe is a part of the Apple II series of Private Computer Systems, and is the 0.33 Model inside the line developed by Apple Computers. The “e” in the name stands for “enhanced” because it retained the preceding models’ Software Program library, aesthetics and abilties even as several famous Functions from older fashions that had most effective been to be had as paid Upgrades had been now available out of the Field. This version earned its advantage to be the longest-lived Computer because it became manufactured and sold for nearly 11 years with fairly few cHanges.

What Does Apple IIe Mean?

In 1980, Apple Computer had planned to stop the Apple II Collection after the creation of the Apple III. However by means of 1981, IBM launched its IBM PC, causing Apple III to struggle in the market, but the Apple II became already Mounted so the corporation determined to continue the line.

The Apple IIe changed into brought in January 1983. It Protected the equal 1.02 MHz 6502 Processor as the Apple I and II. Some of the Hardware features of the Apple III have been borrowed, like the bank-Switched reminiscence and the ProDOS OS. It integrated the Apple II Plus’ Language Card and became the first Apple Laptop with custom ASIC Chip – reducing its Motherboard’s size and price. The end result of the said changes resulted in improved income and more marketplace share in the domestic, education and small Business segments.

Apple IIe contained a built-in 64k RAM with allowable addition up to 128k RAM the use of the eighty-column card. This column card lets in eighty-column-textual content-mode guide and extra 64k RAM. Additional RAM may be delivered thru 0.33-birthday party hardware. One brilliant improvement that the Apple IIe had is that it substantially decreased the chip anticipate its motherboard sySTEM from over one hundred chips to just 31. This made the uNit available at a decrease cost whilst giving improved perFormance and extracting a better income for the company.

The Enhanced IIe came out in March 1985, which served as an upgrade of IIe to Apple IIc. Its Final primary revision got here out in 1987, particularly the Apple IIe Platinum. The IIe Platinum delivered a numeric Keypad to the built-in Keyboard and moved some keys around. In addition, it included numerous Internal reminiscence improvements and miniaturized eighty-column playing cards.

The bulk of Apple II Software program works on an Enhanced IIe, hence its reputation and sturdiness. All models have been Discontinued in November 1993.

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