Event Handler

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is an Event Handler in C#?

itMyt Explains Event Handler:

An occasion handler, in C#, is a Method that includes the Code that receives finished in response to a selected occasion that occurs in an application.

Event handlers are utilized in graphical consumer Interface (GUI) Packages to handle occasions consisting of button clicks and Menu choices, raised by using controls within the consumer interface. A unmarried occasion handler can be used to technique activities raised by means of multiple controls. An event may be associated with a couple of event handlers, that allows you to be invoked Synchronously while the even happens. Event handlers also can be used to address occasions that Signal an Object’s kingdom cHanges to the object’s customers.

What Does Event Handler Mean?

The C# event Model is based on a “put up-Subscribe” sample in which a category (writer) triggers an occasion, even as any other magNiFicence (subscriber) gets that event. An occasion handler is the subscriber that incorporates the code to address precise activities.

For Instance, an occasion handler can be used to deal with an occasion that takes place at some stage in the clicking of a Command button in the UI.

In C#, an occasion is hooked up to its handler via an event Delegate. To raise an occasion and reply to the event, the 2 necessary factors are the delegate that links the event to its handler method and the elegance that holds event facts. By including the delegate instance to the occasion item using the addition project Operator (‘ =’), the occasion handler is known as on incidence of its related event.

The signature of an event handler delegate includes Parameters that Constitute the object instance raising the occasion and the object holding occasion inFormation. The signature of an occasion handler approach should healthy with that of the delegate for that event and with the return kind as void. The .NET Framework provides a integrated event handler that can be used in cases wherein the delegates used vary only by way of kind name and for this reason can lessen code that desires to be maintained.

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