File Descriptor

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is a File Descriptor (FD)?

What does FD stand for?

itMyt Explains File Descriptor:

For maximum running sySTEMs, a File descriptor (FD) is a small non-bad Integer that allows in figuring out an open file inside a technique whilst using enter/Output assets like commUnity Sockets or Pipes. In a manner, it could be considered as an Index Table of open documents. When there are examine, write or last file operations, one of the input Parameters considered is the Record descriptor. File descriptors Form an crucial Component of POSIX Application Programming Interface and offer a Primitive, low-degree Interface to input or output operations.

What Does File Descriptor Mean?

A Kernel creates a record descriptor every time it encounters an open name. In many approaches, the Gateway into the kernel’s Abstractions of underlying Hardware may be considered as record descriptors. In the Unix working Device, the same old input is represented by means of document descriptor 0, the standard output is represented through document descriptor 1 and general errors report is represented via document descriptor 2. In other phrases, similar to the three wellknown streams, each UNIX system would have three standard record descriptors. Both streams and report descriptors can represent a tool connection, but for conTrolling specific devices, record descriptors need to be used. In maximum Operating Systems including UNIX, record descriptors are represented as items of type “int.” The report descriptor is used by the kernel as an index within the record description table that allows you to decide which process at first opened a selected file after which permit acting the requested operations at the opened tool or file.

From an Application Programming attitude, report descriptors want to be used if there are any enter or output operations in unique Modes, such as non-Blockading inputs. Unlike streams which offer high capabilities for controlling, a file descriptor interface provides handiest simple features for the Switch of man or woman bLocks. Low-degree operations may be accomplished at once at the report descriptor.

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