For Loop

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is For Loop?

itMyt Explains For Loop:

For Loop is A Programming Language conditional iterative announcement that's used to test for sure situations after which repeatedly execute a Block of Code as long as those conditions are met.

The for loop is distinguished from different looPing Statements through an express loop counter or Loop Variable which lets in the Frame of the loop to realize the precise sequencing of every generation.

What Does For Loop Mean?

The For loop is used in lots of vital Programming Languages drastically C and C and springs from the English word 'for' that's used to kingdom the purpose of an Object or movement, in this situation the cause and details of the new release.

For loops are normally used whilst the number of Iterations is understood or already Mounted. For loops in unique languages vary particularly through Syntax and the way the statements paintings as well as the extent of expressiveness supported. But they generally fall into one of the following categories:

  • Traditional For loops – found in C/C and incorporates 3 parts: the iNitialization, the circumstance, and afterthought or generally called increment/decrement.
  • Iterator-primarily based loops – this allows for the Enumeration of a set of gadgets which can be things apart from Variety sequences which include a listing of students. This is Characterized through an explicit or implicit Operator such as the aforementioned list of students. The loop then takes on every of the values within the set.
  • Vectorized for loops – these acts as if processing all iterations are parallel

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