Inter Process Communication

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is Inter Process Communication (IPC)?

What does IPC stand for?

itMyt Explains Inter Process Communication:

Inter-process communique (IPC) is a mechanism that permits the excHange of Records between Procedures. By offering a consumer with a hard and fast of Programming Interfaces, IPC enables a Programmer organize the sports among one of a kind processes. IPC lets in one Software to govern every other application, thereby allowing Data sharing with out interference.

IPC allows facts conversation through permitting processes to use segments, Semaphores, and different Methods to proportion Memory and statistics. IPC allows efficient message Switch between approaches. The concept of IPC is based on Task Control Architecture (TCA). It is a flexible method that could ship and receive Variable length Arrays, statistics structures, and lists. It has the Functionality of the usage of put up/Subscribe and Client/Server inFormation-transfer paradigms while supPorting a wide Variety of working structures and languages.

What Does Inter Process Communication Mean?

The IPC mechanism may be Classified into Pipes, first in, first out (FIFO), and shared reminiscence. Pipes had been introduced in the Unix working machine. In this mechanism, the information glide is unidirectional. A pipe can be imagined as a hose pipe wherein the facts enters through one stop and flows out from the alternative end. A pipe is commonly created by means of invoking the pipe Device call, which in flip generates a pair of File Descriptors. Descriptors are commonly created to factor to a pipe Node. One of the main functions of pipes is that the facts flowing through a pipe is temporary, this means that statistics can be study from the study descriptor most effective as soon as. If the statistics is written into the write descriptor, the information can be examine simplest within the order wherein the data was written.

The running precept of FIFO is very much like that of pipes. The records glide in FIFO is unidirectional and is identified via get entry to factors. The distinction between the 2 is that FIFO is identified via an get right of entry to factor, that is a record in the report machine, whereas pipes are recognized by using an Access factor.

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