
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 6 month ago

What is Nanotechnology?

itMyt Explains Nanotechnology:

Nanotechnology, within the Context of Computer technology, is a kind of Engineering geared in the direction of Building electronic additives and Devices measured in Nanometers, which are extremely tiny in size and shape. Nanotechnology facilitates the building of purposeful count number and structures on the Scalar level of an Atom or molecule. It consists of standards from physics, biology, engineering and plenty of other disciplines.

Nanotechnology is likewise known as nanotech.

What Does Nanotechnology Mean?

Nanotechnology is a sySTEMatic subject that Makes use of system or element improvement strategies to build products on extraordinarily granular stages. Nanotechnology works thru special processes to build nano materials or merchandise, along with backside-up, top-down and useful gadget development. In a backside-up technique, a product is designed as it evolves from its tiniest Form Factor to larger product. In a pinnacle-down approach, a massive product can be opposite engineered to expand merchandise scaled in step with nanometer. A Functional Method deals with a entire system and might contain bottom-up and top-down techniques.

Nanotechnology is implemented in many one-of-a-kind Fields and applications, inclusive of Computing, Biotechnology, electronics and chemical engineering.

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