User Datagram Protocol

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is User Datagram Protocol (UDP)?

What does UDP stand for?

itMyt Explains User Datagram Protocol:

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a part of the Internet Protocol suite used by applications going for walks on extraordinary Computer Systems on a Network. UDP is used to send brief messages known as Datagrams however usual, it's miles an unreliable, Connectionless Protocol. UDP is Formally defined in RFC 768 and became formulated through David P. Reed.

What Does User Datagram Protocol Mean?

User datagram protocol is an Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Transport Layer protocol for purchaser- Server network applications. UDP Makes use of a simple transmission version however does no longer rent Handshaking dialogs for reliability, ordering and facts Integrity. The protocol assumes that mistakes-checking and correction is not required, thus keePing off processing on the network Interface degree.

UDP is widely used in Video Conferencing and real-time Computer games. The protocol allows person Packets to be dropped and UDP packets to be acquired in a unique order than that during which they had been desPatched, making an allowance for higher performance.

UDP commUnity traffic is organized in the shape of datagrams, which include one message gadgets. The first 8 bytes of a datagram incorporate Header facts, while the last bytes comprise message information. A UDP datagram header consists of 4 Fields of two bytes each:

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