Voltage Regulator

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is a Voltage Regulator?

itMyt Explains Voltage Regulator:

A Voltage regulator is an energy regulation Device designed to robotically convert voltage right into a decrease, usually direct contemporary (DC), consistent voltage.

The time period can also talk to a voltage regulator Integrated Circuit (IC), which is regularly located in Computers and other Digital gadgets that are plugged directly into an alternating Modern (AC) wall outlet however require most effective a small DC voltage.

The term also can confer with voltage law or strength Module gadgets, inclusive of Cellular Phone and Laptop Chargers. Some regulators do not increase or decrease a device’s voltage, however simply Make certain steady Output cost.

What Does Voltage Regulator Mean?

Voltage regulators are usually used to adjust voltage all the way down to a decrease value and to offer this fee Constantly over time. Such a device could be as easy as a feed-Forward layout or it can be more complicated and include negative remarks Loops.

There are two types of voltage regulators:

  • Electronic: These use pure electronic Components along with Diodes, Resistors and Capacitors and typically come as incorporated Circuits already rated for particular voltages and contemporary output.
  • Electromechanical: These make use of transferring mechanical parts to modify voltage. The mechanical element is usually a Solenoid that actions consistent with the scale of the incoming present day and voltage, and actions as a consequence to cut off the input while there is a surge. A capacitor then presents the regulated output.

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