
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is the Web?

itMyt Explains Web:

The Web is the commonplace call for the World Wide Web, a subset of the Internet along with the pages that can be Accessed by way of a Web Browser. Many humans assume that the Web is similar to the Internet, and use these phrases intercHangeably. However, the time period Internet really refers to the global commUnity of Servers that Makes the Records sharing that happens over the Web feasible. So, even though the Web does make up a big part of the Internet, however they're not one and identical.

What Does Web Mean?

Web Pages are Formatted in a language referred to as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). It this language that permits users to click on via pages on the Web through Hyperlinks. The Web uses HTTP Protocol to transmit statistics and percentage information. Browsers inclusive of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are used to get right of entry to Web Files, or Web pages, which might be linked via links.

The Web is simply one of the Methods that records is shared over the Internet; others include e mail, instantaneous messaging and File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

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