Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC)?

What does CC stand for?

itMyt Explains Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation:

The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security EvaLuation (CC) is an international fashionable based on pc security product and gadget critiques. CC provides steerage on required Functionality and guarantee for protection-associated merchandise and other items in a selected environment. CC critiques are perFormed for product consumers, users, era Builders and evaluators.

CC is also known as ISO/IEC 15408.

What Does Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Mean?

A CC assessment is carried out on a Target of Evaluation (TOE), including separate or blended Hardware, Firmware and Software Program. Not continually a full IT product, a TOE can be a newly evolved item or consolidated Package deal and configured as follows:

A TOE may additionally take the form of a Configuration control gadget document list, grasp copy, packaged CD-ROM/customer consumer manual or formerly set up and operational State.

A CC has 3 components:

  • General CC/TOE version and advent: Provides a simple TOE evaluation outline
  • Security feature factor section: Relates common IT product and technology safety requirements
  • Security assurance issue segment: Relates common IT product and technology warranty necessities

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