
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 6 month ago

What is a Handheld?

itMyt Explains Handheld:

A hand held is any transPortable Device that may be carried and held in one’s Palm. A hand-held can be any Computing or electronic tool that is compact and transporTable sufficient to be held and used in one or each palms. A handheld can also incorporate mobile conversation, but this category also can encompass other computing Devices.

What Does Handheld Mean?

A hand-held is broadly speaking designed to provide a set of computing, conversation and inFormational gear in a device about the dimensions of standard palm. Typically, hand-held gadgets aren't as effective as a Laptop, however Current handhelds an increasing number of consist of effective twin-middle Processors, RAM, SD garage Capacity, an running sySTEM, and local and add-on programs. They are often powered by a dry Cell lithium or comparable Battery. Moreover, those styles of gadgets an increasing number of use a touch display Interface.

Personal virtual assistants (PDA), Tablet PCs and portable Media pLayers are all taken into consideration handheld gadgets.

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