
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 6 month ago

What is Mosaic?

itMyt Explains Mosaic:

Mosaic is a Web Browser for getting Access to Files, portraits and different files at the World Wide Web. It is once in a while credited with being the Software that made the Internet available to the overall Public. Features that contributed to its popularity blanketed ease of set up, reliability and a user-pleasant Interface. Mosaic became advanced on the National Center for SuperComputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. It became released in 1993.

What Does Mosaic Mean?

Mosaic become brought as a Freeware application and cHanged into used as a Client for Former Protocols like File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) and Gopher. In 1994, improvement became exceeded over to some other Business enterprise, Spyglass, which ultimately certified it to many other IT corporations. Dozens of Mosaic variations had been to be had; a few have been Free whilst others were no longer. In January 1997, the Software Program was formally Discontinued, even though it remains to be had for down load on the NCSA Website.

Mosaic popularized Bookmarks, file Records Functions and the potential to get entry to and share sound clips and video files. One of Mosaic’s missions changed into to help in scientific studies and to Make this information available to the overall public.

Mosaic turned into the first Multimedia browser based totally on Unix to get right of entry to the internet, pictures, sounds and films through a graphical person interface (GUI). Mosaic contributed to the internet’s industrial use.

Many of the browsers in use today, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, have incorporated among the graphical features and interactive Characteristics of the Mosaic graphical browser.

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