Neighborhood Area Network

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is a Neighborhood Area Network (NAN)?

What does NAN stand for?

itMyt Explains Neighborhood Area Network:

A commUnity location Network (NAN) is an offshoot of Wi-Fi Hotspots and Wireless nearby viciNity networks (WLAN), which permit users to connect with the Internet fast and at very little price. A NAN is generally Mounted by way of an man or woman to serve a circle of relatives or some of acquaintances.

NANs cowl handiest a small quantity of Blocks close to an 802.11 get right of entry to factor. With the help of an omnidirectional Antenna, a single Access factor may want to cover a RADIUS of extra than half a mile. Users who desire to hook up with an NAN can then Make use of a directional antenna to get an progressed sign from the get admission to factor.

What Does Neighborhood Area Network Mean?

NAN vendors are commonly individuals or a set that Join to share an Internet Broadband connection in preference to use a domestic Router. If a consumer with a broadband connection, either DSL or Cable Modem, plans to proportion it, an NAN makes it feasible to percentage this with all and sundry within Range. In order for the Receiver (generally acquaintances inside reach) to attach wirelessly to the shared Internet, they want to have a PDA or Wi-Fi Enabled pc.

This concept differs from the wi-fi Deployment for hotspots. Hotspots are usually Business Internet get right of entry to points with a attain of handiest three hundred feet. They are used to draw tech-savvy Clients to a espresso keep, airport or restaurant. NANs, however, offer a miles wider radius of Internet connection. Therefore, commercialization of NANs is an effective manner to hurry up the Extension of neighborhood Wi-Fi networks.

NANs allow users reduce their Internet expenditure by sharing a reference to buddies. The drawback is that this Method reduces the Bandwidth Velocity and sometimes results in the violation of the Internet Carrier provider’s agreement. Some carrier carriers do not permit man or woman broadband customers to proportion their connection, making NANs a contravention of that agreement.

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