Telecommunications Industry Association

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)?

What does TIA stand for?

itMyt Explains Telecommunications Industry Association:

The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is a cHange association that's permitted with the aid of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to be able to develop enterprise requirements for Records and communique technologies (ICT) merchandise along with Cellular towers, Data Terminals, VoIP Devices, satellites, Smartphone terminal sySTEM and lots of more.

TIA has contributors from all over the industry and presently represents almost 400 different organizations.

What Does Telecommunications Industry Association Mean?

TIA represents global data and communications generation industries thru growing standards, authorities affairs, market intelligence, Business opportuNities, international-wide Regulatory Compliance in addition to certification.

TIA aims to enhance the enterprise environment for the organizations worried in Broadband, telecommunications, statistics technology, Cellular wi-fi generation, cabling and satellite tv for pc, Networking, uNiFied and eMergency communications, and similarly "greenifying" of generation.

It has Greater than six hundred lively member participants from Carrier carriers, equipment producers, instructional establishments, government businesses and give up-users which can be divided most of the twelve Engineering Committees of TIA’s Standards and Technology Department.

Engineering Committees:

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